Saturday, 3 November 2012

E.M Forster's predictions; 103 years back.


       103 years ago, E.M Forster wrote a short story called 'The Machine Stops'. The main characters are Vashti and her son Kuno. Vashti symbolizes most of the people today, whose life is dependent on the Machine. Kuno, on the other hand, symbolizes the ones who are not technology literate. This story is about how people heavily depend on the Machine, and at one point, the Machine becomes a deity, the ruler of all mankind. Although it is a science-fiction, it is truly amazing how something written 103 years ago can relate so much on the world we live in today. The Machine symbolizes technology. In his story, people eventually regard the Machine as some sort of God. Like today, people are so dependent on gadgets, and especially the use of internet. Without gadgets they can't 'live', without internet, they can't 'breathe'.

         What amazes me the most about this novel is that, the story pretty much predicts almost everything of what's going to happen in the future. Not only that, it is written decades before the internet was actually even invented. It is amazing how Forster's creativity actually turns fiction into reality. When he wrote this story back in his Era, probably the readers back then will just think that it is another science-fiction that doesn't make any sense. But then, it is completely a different scenario now. Read and be amazed.



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